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    Web & Mobile

Spin the Wheel | Desktop Bar Games: Elevate Your Entertainment 


Turn the Wheel, Win the Thrill!


About the App 

Spin a Wheel, your gateway to a world of fun and rewards. Immerse yourself in an interactive game that brings the thrill of winning right to your screen.


Figma Designs

Challenges Overcome, Innovation Shines


  1. Creating Engaging Gameplay: Crafting an engaging and visually appealing gaming experience required innovative design and development.
  2. Real-time Interactions: Ensuring real-time interaction with the spinning wheel demanded seamless synchronization.
  3. User Engagement: Capturing user attention and maintaining excitement throughout the game journey was a creative challenge.


  1. Sensational User Interface: Our team developed an eye-catching and dynamic interface for an immersive gaming adventure.
  2. Seamless Real-Time Integration: Advanced synchronization techniques were employed to achieve smooth real-time interactions.
  3. Engagement Techniques: We used gamification elements and surprise rewards to keep players engaged and entertained.

Features/ Screens

  • Interactive Intro: Begin your journey with an exciting intro that sets the stage for your gaming adventure.
  • User-Friendly Login: Easily log in to your Brico Privé account to start spinning and winning.
  • Spin the Wheel: Experience the thrill of spinning the wheel, anticipating your chance to win big.
  • Prize Unveiling: Discover your prize, whether it’s a SURPRISE, BINGO, or the ultimate JACKPOT.
  • Contact Us: Users can reach out to the client

Tech Magic Behind the Scenes

  • Frontend Enchantment: Crafted using modern technologies like HTML5, CSS3, and ReactJS for a seamless and captivating user experience.
  • Dynamic Animations: Brought to life with CSS Animations to create engaging visuals that enhance the excitement.
  • Secure Storage: Utilized S3 Cloud Object Storage to ensure secure and reliable storage of game-related assets.
  • Cloud Deployment: Powered by AWS Elastic Beanstalk for scalable and efficient deployment, ensuring optimal performance.

Embark on a Journey of Wins and Wonders

Overcoming challenges, delivering innovation, and putting the power of gaming in your hands – it’s time to spin and celebrate!





As of today 28-August-2023, we have updated the figma designs, as per the clients request. The client asked for a sapphire blue theme, with accent colors. Here’s a sneak peek of updated designs.